Rantila (aubrite)

 25.00 558.00

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Meteorite fell on August 17, 2022 in Rantila, Gujarat, India. About 6 kilos total known weight were recovered. Two stones fell, one hitting a patio of a house. The second recovered stone fell 10 kilometers away, breaking a large limb off a tree. This is only the 11th aubrite fall and stones were recovered a few minutes after the fall.


Rantila        24°14’26’’N, 71°46’45″E

Gujarat, India

Confirmed fall: 2022 Aug 17

Classification: Enstatite achondrite (Aubrite)

History: The meteorite fall was observed in two nearby villages, Rantila and Ravel, ~10.5 km apart. The meteorite fell at Rantila village in soft, clayey agricultural land. While falling, the meteorite hit a branch of a tree and broke into fragments, also breaking the branch into several pieces. Several fragments of the meteorite were found scattered around a field, with the larger pieces producing small pits (~28 cm diameterm ~15 cm deep) due to impact on soft, wet soil.

Physical characteristics: Broken pieces reveal a fragmental breccia. Theses pieces are fragile and the inner materials are brittle. They contain olivine, plagioclase feldspar, iron-nickel metal, and numerous sulfides. Large pyroxene grains (up to 2 cm) occur as bright white crystals.

Petrography: The dominant mineral phase is enstatite, followed by diopside, olivine, and plagioclase. Sulfides include troilite, alabandite, heideite, daubréelite, oldhamite; Fe-Ni alloys are also present.

Geochemistry: Enstatite Mg# 99.7, En98.4Wo1.0, diopside Mg# 99.8, En54.5Wo45.1, Olivine Mg# 99.7, plagioclase Or3.3Ab95.9An0.7.

Classification: The meteorite is an aubrite (enstatite achondrite) and is a fragmental breccia. Degree of shock is moderate and the weathering is minimal

Specimens: Type specimen ~200 g at PRL. Main mass with District Officials of Banaskantha, Gujarat, India

Additional information

Weight N/A

micro (nr 1), micro (nr 2), micro (nr 3), micro (nr 4), micro (nr 10), micro crusted (nr 1), micro crusted (nr 18), 0.016g, 0.030g, 0.046g, 0.050g, 0.075g, 0.200g, 0.70g, 1.19g, 1.25g, 1.46g, 1.56g, 2.07g