Chitenay (L6) – micro


Out of stock


Fragment sold in a collection box with label/Certificate of authenticity.



Place of fall: L’Ardoise, 2 km SW of Chitenay and 14 km south of Blois, Loir et Cher Department, France.

47°28’15″N., 0°58’36″W.

Date of fall: February 21, 1978, 1956 hrs.

Class and type: Stone. Olivine-hypersthene chondrite (L6).

Number of individual

specimens: 1, broken into two fragments

Total weight: About 4 kg

Circumstances of fall: The stone made a hole in a lawn close to the house of Colonel J. Gaucher. It was discovered at 0900 hrs. the following day. The fireball was observed by many people from different regions of France (Reims, Lyon, St. Etienne, St. Tropez, Toulouse, Bordeaux). Some observers reported that the fireball disrupted into two or three fragments.

Source: Mme. M. Christophe-Michael-Levy, Laboratoire de Mineralogie et Cristallographie, Universite Paris-VI, 4 Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France.