Lahmada 046 (lunar)

 33.00 167.00


Lahmada 046 27°24’N, 9°50’W
Saguia el Hamra, Western Sahara
Find: 2018 Oct 11
Classification: Lunar meteorite (feldspathic breccia)
History: Purchased from Hamza Lharbi in Morocco in March 2018.
Physical characteristics: Gray rock without fusion crust. Cut surface reveals black interior with mm-sized, whitish clasts.
Petrography: (J. Gattacceca, CEREGE) Sparse mineral clasts (anorthite, olivine, pyroxene) in a melt-rock matrix. Melt rock has numerous vesicles with typical sizes 50 µm. Troilite and rare metal are found in the melt rock.
Geochemistry: Anorthite An96.8Ab3.0Or0.2 (n=2). Augite Fs16.8±0.3Wo36.3±0.1, FeO/MnO = 59.0 (n=2). Olivine Fa33.4±1.5, FeO/MnO=72.3±7.2 (n=3).
Classification: Lunar (feldspathic melt breccia). Possibly paired with Lahmada 020.
Specimens: Type specimen at CEREGE. Main mass with Pierre-Marie Pelé.

Additional information

Weight N/A

0.223g, 0.332g, 0.532g, 0.85g, 1.10g, 1.155g, 1.31g, 1.445g, 1.524g, 1.584g, 1.615g, 1.62g, 1.65g, 1.669g, 2.31g