Jepara (pallasite) – olivine


1 in stock


Pallasite.  Single olivine. Sold with label/certificate of authenticity.

Jepara        6°36’S, 110°44’E

Java, Indonesia

Found: May 2008

Classification: Pallasite (Main group)

History: Anonymous finders recovered the meteorite specimen in 2008 during excavation activities in muddy ground.

Physical characteristics: The original mass of the meteorite boulder was 499.5 kg. It is spherically shaped with the shortest and longest diameter of 70 cm and 85 cm, respectively. The crust is weathered and rusty.

Petrography: The interior shows a homogeneous distribution of coarse-grained rounded olivine grains (6 to 12 mm). The groundmass is composed of secondary magnetite, nickel sulfide and sulfate (nickel hexahydrite), and primary schreibersite. Modal abundances are olivine (64 vol%), magnetite (23 vol%), nickel sulfide and sulfate (8 vol%), and schreibersite (5 vol%).

Geochemistry: Olivines are homogeneous in composition (Fa12-13). Sulfide is composed of NiS and may represent a replacement product of troilite, while magnetite (Fe3O4) is a weathering product of primary FeNi phases. Schreibersite has the composition (Fe1.85Ni1.15)P. Replicate analyses of oxygen isotopes were made on acid-washed samples by laser fluorination at UGött (A. Pack): δ17O (SMOW) 1.862, 1.367, 1.380; δ18O (SMOW) 3.820, 3.011, 3.160; and Δ17O -0.130 -0.200, -0.280 (all per mil).

Classification: Main group pallasite, extensively weathered, fresh olivine

Specimens: Type specimens of 230 g and 20 g with surface areas of 190 cm2 and 20 cm2, respectively, and one thin section are on deposit at UJena. An anonymous owner holds the main mass.


Additional information

specimen nr

nr 20, nr 21