156g endcut of a rare eucrite from Oman. Sold with label / certificate.
Dhofar 2093 (Dho 2093) 18°34.398’N, 54°8.889’E
Zufar, Oman
Find: 2014
Classification: HED achondrite (Eucrite)
History: Discovered by an anonymous finder on a desert trip 12 km SE of Dauka in 2014.
Physical characteristics: Four gray fragments, partly covered by black-browinish crust ranging from 301.3 to 30.5 g. Cut face shows light-gray matrix with white, black, and light-brown inclusions.
Petrography: (R. Bartoschewitz, Bart) Microscopic examination of a thin section shows holocrystalline hypidiomorphic texture and weak shock effect: undulatory extinction in plagioclase. Magnetic susceptibility log χ (× 10-9 m3/kg) = 2.88.
Geochemistry: (R. Bartoschewitz, Bart, P. Appel and B. Mader, Kiel) Pyroxene (pigeonite) Fs56.8±3.3Wo7.2±4.4, Fe/Mn 29.5 (n=13); Plagioclase An89.4±4.9Ab10.2±4.5 (n=20); SiO2; chromite CRAL 80, FFM 98 (n=1); ilmenite; kamacite Ni <0.1, Co 0.5 wt.% (n=2).
Classification: Achondrite (basaltic eucrite, monomict breccia)
Specimens: 20.0 g on deposit at Kiel, main mass anonymous